When a young person requests to see a therapist or the professionals involved with the young person would like them to see a therapist, a referral is made for therapeutic support to begin.
A therapy planning meeting is held, this would ideally include: the social worker, the fostering social worker, the foster carer, a therapist and if appropriate, an educational representative. The purpose of this meeting would be to look at:
The first session with the young person, is an introduction session, if the young person prefers, the foster carer can attend. The session will not be a full session, usually around thirty minutes, depending on the age and needs of the young person. The purpose of the introduction session is about helping the young person feel safe. Giving them the opportunity to meet the therapist, visit the environment and ask any questions.
Following sessions would be built up slowly regarding the amount of time in the session. Once again dependent on the needs and age of the young person, with the eventual aim to build up to a forty-five-to-fifty-minute session.
Therapy review meetings will be held every eight weeks, including the social worker, fostering social worker, foster carer, therapist, and if appropriate a representative from education. The purpose of these meetings will be to:
Following Whispers Therapeutic support is provided by:
Jill Hanney – https://jhpsychotherapy.co.uk/
Colm O’Hanrahan & Sasha Rosen – http://www.alchemypsychotherapyservices.co.uk/